Monday, May 10, 2010

Whats A Good Body Muscle Percentage

What shit people, the German public is, is it obvious what to do for runs in every way worthless books. (Schadowitz á la Schopenhauer)

When has a birthday, there are gifts. Normally, the birthday boy gets it, the distributed label G-Stone Recordings them.

Who has heard of G-Stone may yet, perhaps with names such as Kruder & Dorfmeister, Tosca, Peace Orchestra, Urbs, Mega Blast Rodney Hunter or do something. The gentlemen Kruder and Dorfmeister are also the founders of this label to Beat gourmets.
⁴ Since 2 = 16 G-Stone provides the expert now with electronic goodies. In celebration of this anniversary should be the compilation "Sixteen Years of F ** king G-Stone Recordings from 17 May in the shelves of the music shop to be found of your trust. Until then, the sixteen, sexual intercourse executive schonmal years free and legal to download . (click on LISTEN & DOWNLOAD)
Spontanreinhöraktion As recommended later this Video:


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